The hormones in your body are working together to maintain a healthy equilibrium. They are all interconnected and when we address sex hormones (Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone), stress hormones (Cortisol, DHEA), or Thyroid hormone, we need to make sure that they are well balanced. Too much or too little of one hormone can offset all the other ones, and start causing symptoms.

When hormones start declining around the age of 35, and even earlier in some cases, so are your energy levels, your metabolism, your brain function, and your immune system. You don’t feel as vibrant and energized as you were in your twenties, and may become more prone to illness.

It’s important to maintain optimal levels of these hormones, which are driving forces in your body, before they become deficiencies.




Declining hormones around the time of menopause, called the peri-menopause, can bring a whole myriad of symptoms. The typical hot flashes and night sweats, which can be very uncomfortable and leave you sleep deprived, are the main reason women are seeking hormone therapy.

However, there are many other undesirable side effects to the drop in estrogen levels that occur in menopause:

  • Hot flashes
  • Bone loss/osteoporosis
  • Memory loss/ brain fog
  • Weight gain
  • Increased cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugars
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Low energy/fatigue
  • Dry skin/ hair thinning
  • Dry eyes
  • Joint pain
  • Heart palpitations
  • Urine incontinence
  • Urinary Tract infections
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low libido

The earlier in peri menopause Bio Identical Hormone Replacement is started, the more benefits in disease prevention and in reversing the negative effects of aging.

Menstrual Disorders

Pre Menstrual syndrome, including mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks, headaches.

  • Painful periods
  • Irregular periods
  • Excessive bleeding

Most menstrual disorders are caused by hormonal imbalance, and are traditionally treated with contraceptives. Hormone replacement along with diet, exercise, weight loss, and stress reduction can help relieve PreMenstrual symptoms.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is also an issue that results from hormone imbalance that is characterized by irregular periods and high testosterone levels. Often there is weight gain, elevated blood sugars, and increased body hair, but the cysts don’t need to be present on pelvic ultrasound testing for the diagnosis.

PCOS may lead to decreased fertility and diabetes when left untreated. Hormone balance, along with weight loss and blood sugar control is needed to stabilize PCOS.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is the “bay blues” that many women experience after delivery. It can manifest with mild symptoms off decreased appetite and irritability to severe mood swings and social withdraw. This condition tends to go undiagnosed as new mothers are focused on attending their newborn baby and often go back to work before their body has the time to readjust.

There is a hormonal shift that happens after delivery, and especially an abrupt drop in Estrogen levels that can cause depressive symptoms. Fatigue may also results from thyroid imbalance in the postpartum period.

Natural ways to rebalance hormones can greatly improve the symptoms of postpartum depression.

By testing for hormones and nutrients levels, and supplementing accordingly after pregnancy, you can bring your body back to its pre-pregnancy state faster.



Just like woman experience Menopause, men can have symptoms of Andropause, characterized by low testosterone in mid life and sometimes earlier.

Men with low testosterone levels report being more fatigued and often have a feeling of being burned-out. They can also notice unusual weight gain, sleep disturbances, mental fatigue, irritability, depressive symptoms, decreased muscle mass, decreased libido, and erectile dysfunction.

When Testosterone replacement is not indicated, there are ways to boost testosterone levels by using supplements or balancing other hormones. Some nutrient are required to produce Testosterone and we run detailed blood profiles to identify possible deficiencies that impede normal hormone production.

There are different routes for Testosterone replacement, and we favor the ones that aim at steady optimal levels over time for your own personal needs.